NorthStar Academy
Career Opportunities
No openings at this school
NorthStar Academy (NSA) is 100% online and utilizes platforms that are available anytime anywhere that there is an internet connection.
The online community of NSA consists of three platforms: Genius, Microsoft Teams/Outlook, and Buzz. Genius is NSA’s information system where families can sign up and register for courses any time. Buzz is the school’s online classroom where all teaching and learning take place. Microsoft Teams and Outlook are the platforms that enable the school community to interact with each other both synchronously and asynchronously.
NSA is looking for teachers that have a passion for student discipleship and educational excellence and who are excited about course authoring and development. Teachers have the incredible opportunity to minister to students all over the world from the comfort and convenience of their own homes.
NSA is dually accredited by both the Association of Christian Schools International and by Cognia (formerly AdvancED).