Here they come!

Here come the teachers! Every summer our network hosts our pre-field training event called IMPACT (International Missions Preparation And Cross-Cultural Training). Above is a photo of last summer's participants. This event is for all new staff members and their families. We bring in specialists in their fields of expertise to conduct the training. The required training includes:
1. Cross-Cultural Living. A crash-course in cultural sensitivity, differences in "us" and "them," overcoming language and cultural boundaries, culture shock, safety issues, transitions and adaptation skills.
2. TCK Profiles. Third-Culture Kids are children whom, during their developing years, spend significant time in a country/culture other than the home country of the parents. These wonderful young people are highly influenced by their experience and tend to become adaptable, insightful leaders. They also have unique psychological profiles, tendencies, and challenges. Since all of our students are TCKs, this training is very helpful in making teachers aware of the needs of their students.
3. Psychological Profiles for Team-Building. Assessments are taken with the MBTI and the DISC to help our staff understand better their unique role in building and contributing to a team in their overseas setting. We take a "fun" approach to this.
4. Educational Differences in Teaching Overseas. Although our teachers are already trained in the North American system, the fact that their school is overseas, and their students come from all over the world contributes to a learning environment that can be amazing. We endeavor to help our teachers anticipate these unique opportunities and use them to enhance student learning.
5. Agency On-Boarding. This is a wonderful time to help new staff get a glimpse of our agency from a broad perspective, meeting new friends who are going to serve in other schools, understanding the heart of our network, hearing the history and the hopes of our future, meeting Home Office staff.
Approximately 150 new teachers and their families will be here at our headquarters to go through this 10-day event. Please pray for our time with them, as they prepare to join approximately 800 teachers in our network in August.

And, here come the students! These are just a few of the new students already enrolled at Oasis International School in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In 2017-18, the network enrolled just over 4500 students from 114 different nations. Pray for every student that enters our doors—children whom God loves and whom are created in His image. Pray that God will use our teachers and our students, as this wonderful mixture of humanity has a profound impact for eternity's sake! Thank you so much for being a part of this work!

Joe Hale, President